Supplier Data Platform

Trusted Supplier Data at JAGGAER Rev 2022

By TealBook

In her recent presentation at JAGGAER Rev 2022, Stephany Lapierre, Founder + CEO of TealBook, took to the stage with Jim Bureau, CEO of JAGGAER, to give a welcome address and examine the power supplier data holds within procurement transformation.

Stephany and Jim spent the session discussing:

  • The problem with current portal-first data management
  • How strong supplier data acts as a foundation for better outcomes
  • How TealBook’s Supplier Data Platform powers JAGGAER to allow joint customers to make better business decisions 

REV Opening Session

REV All Star Panel

See the full session deck below.

Unleash procurement possibilities.

Whether you’re looking to maximize diversity spend, optimize supplier diversification, or identify emergency sourcing options, the best available supplier data makes all the difference.

TealBook employee with tablet (illustration)